Dear reader, you hold in your hand the product of the hardest thing
I've ever done short ofbirthing children. This book was written
poolside,playground-side, and in various rooms in my home to a steady
soundtrack of SpongeBob SquarePants and Hannah Montana. There
were many days I didn't think I could finish, but I've learned afresh
that God is not keen on abandoning a good work He's begun.
In giving thanks, I have to bow first to my Savior and King, Jesus
Christ. You know I never asked to be a preacher's wife and certainly
never considered myself worthy to presume advising others. Only
You know the reason You orchestrated every perfectly timed detail
that produced this book. Only You know why You chose me to give
courage to the women who faithfully serve You by upholding their
minister husbands. Your body is precious to me, and I love You for
allowing me to be a pinkie toe in it.
Luke, Sawyer, Elijah, Sam, and Sydney I wish we had a nickel
for every time during this pro cess that I said, "Does this sound
goofy?" or ''Guys, can you please just give me a few more minutes
of quiet?" I also wish I had one for every time you said, "You can do
this, honey!" or "It's kinda cool to have a mom who's writing a book."
Though it goes without saying, you guys are pretty cool too.
To all my parents it seems I got most of the words in our family.
Thank you for teaching me to use them and being patient while
I did.
Pop you taught me to laugh from the deeps. You truly were my
Barnabas, and I still miss you every day.
Grandmommy your love for the written word and skill for
storytelling always bound me to you. I think you would be proud to
have another bona fide author in the family.
To John Blase I'm so happy you read girl blogs and that somehow
God led you to mine. Thank you for seeing something I didn't
and for refusing to settle on a title that was less than perfection.
To Don Pape blessings on you for taking a chance on a smalltown
preacher's wife. I will always keep the email in which you used
the phrase "Da Bomb." It sealed you in my heart forever.
Susan Tjaden I never dreamed a day would come when I could
use the words my and editor in the same sentence. What is even more
unimaginable is that I can also add friend to the mix.] esus knows my
insecurities and sent me someone who has been a gigantic serving of
encouragement with a side order of belly laughs. I can never thank
you enough for using your enormous skill to make my work look
better. Much love to you, my editor friend.
Bonnie Bruno when we met, ours were two out of eight million
blogs on WordPress. That the Lord crossed our paths seems a
statistical impossibility, and yet you appeared and began nudging
and coaching and loving me into writing with purpose. You are a
mentor like no other. And since we've never spoken on the phone,
I'm not altogether sure you aren't an angel. What a silly thing to
wonder of course you are.
Linda Attaway you complete me with your affinity for details.
Thank you for volunteering to clean up my messes.
And finally, my darling fellow ministry wives your insight
through my many blog surveys was invaluable in creating the content
for this book. I've done my best to give you God's Word in
answer to many issues we face. Each of you is precious to me, and
it is my desire above all things that you will walk away from this
volume assured that God wasn't mad at you when he made your
husband a pastor. He has entrusted you with tending to His body,
which means you, girls, are special. Remembering that will help you
love His people well.
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