
Earthquakes Aren't All That Shake Up San Francisco.

      The next time i would meet someone from the internet would be in April of 2005. Jim and Mary,a couple from England, couldn't get a vacation time that would coordinate with the barbeque but wanted to meet both Bob and I. So they first flew into Los Angeles and spent a few days with Bob while they toured and saw the sights of Southern California. Then they hopped on a Greyhound bus and rode up to visit with me for a few days. On the afternoon of Wednesday Apri1 27th,i picked them up and we spent the afternoon visiting and went to dinner.
      Then on Thursday we drove to Rob and Des'to meet up with Rion. Rion knew
San Francisco like he knew the back of his hand and agreed to be our tour guide. At first i wasn't sure how this meeting was going to turn out. Although i wouldn't allow it in the room, Rion and Jim had a long standing feud with each other. The feud began when we were in the music room one night. AOL in it's usual stellar service had booted me oflline. (Do i detect a bit of sarcasm in that statement?) Yes, that was intended sarcasm. Since AOL is my primary ISp, when they boot me offline it also boots me out of Paltalk. While i was rebooting Jim went and put on his "hat" . While Jim was gone, Rion took the mic. Jim came back and asked Rion to give the mic up, but Rion refùsed so Jim had to boot him from the room. i came back and everyone related what had taken place. i took the boot off Rion and he came back, but didn't like the fact that Jim booted him and started going off on him. i gave Rion the obligatory warning to stop,but he wouldn't relent so i had to boot him.