First Peter 3:6 says, "Just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him
lord, ... you have become her children if you do what is right without
being frightened by any fear" (NASB).
This verse is found in a passage describing how a woman's
beauty is to be found internally instead of externally (verses 1-5).
Among other things, Peter describes how a woman should be in
willing subjection to her husband, even if he is not a believer. Dread
shouldn't motivate her in yielding to him, but rather a healthy fear
of God's mandate to honor her husband. Sarah's singular obedience
was dually blessed. She wanted to obey God by following
Abraham. God's laws are not arbitrary and are not given without
benefit attached. Sarah's reward was the gift of inclusion into the
blessing of the nations that God had intended through Abraham.
If we seek to surrender our lives to God's will through His call on
our husbands, we will be given the blessed distinction of being a
daughter of Sarah.
So what does this type of obedience look like in a minister's wife?
Certainly the amount of reluctance you are feeling toward this role
will dictate the type of faith it will take to accompany your husband
into the unknown. Hear me well when I say that no matter how
much initial trepidation I feel when God asks something of our family,
He has yet to call Luke to a task without also piercing my own
D o you work outside the home but do your b est to participate in
the body when possible? The church knows this and for the most
part will understand. (Oh, there will always be exceptions!)
However, what they will n ot easily forgive is when yo u take
a seat in the back and refuse to play a part able or n ot. There
are many women who are embittered by the demands the church
has placed on their family's life and time; therefore they refuse to
support their husband's ministry or the church b ody in any way,
shape, or form. We'll discuss in a later chapter the delicate balance
between home and church life, but let's just say for now that
this attitude is extremely unhealthy and can be a huge detriment
to your husband's relationship with the church. The support the
congregation perceives your husband receiving from you and your
willingness to care for them even if you aren't able to do all that
you'd like is a bridge between their h earts and your man's. Just like
Sarah and Abraham's situation , your participation in his call is not
only nice but necessary for him to effectively live out what God
will do through him, whether you realize it now or not.
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